💕Bright Cottage For Rent In Haagwinde, Capelle aan den IJssel💕 The offered cottage is spacious with its sleeping + living room: 3,32x 2,82: 9,36 sqm and its own private heater, shower and toilet and allows the occupant to cook dinner for herself. WiFi is available. We rent for only decent, young, responsible, quite student, don't miss this opportunity😉 Please also have a look at my other listings. This well-kept semi-detached house has a perfect location in Schenkel, Capelle aan den IJssel. Schenkel is like an American suburb and is a nice, and safe neighbourhood in Capelle ad IJssel, it borders on Rotterdam(200m). You will be sharing the house with other tenants and you will enjoy the use of its luxurious kitchen/shower/internet/garden. The living room is not shared. A washing machine is available! Please no smoking, drinking or drugs. The house is conveniently located for those who study at the HES or Erasmus University (EUR). Subway station Schenkel is 5-min and takes you in 5 min to EUR, adjacent is the HES (Higher Economic School). Instead of the subway, you can bicycle in 10 min. Intercity NS Alexander can be reached in 5 min by subway. The centre of Rotterdam can be reached within 15 min. The Kralinger Wood + lake is close, many people bicycle, roller skate, jog, BBQ etc. Rent is 850 euros/month, deposit is 1700€. Bills (water, electricity, gas, and WIFI) are all-Inclusives in the total rent 😊 Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you!...
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